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“Un buen entrenador puede lograr que el caballo haga lo que él desee que haga, pero el entrenador excelente logrará que el caballo quiera hacer esas cosas.”
- Monty Roberts

Finally a textbook on the language of Equus and Monty's Join-Up® training principles! Includes the very first DICTIONARY OF EQUUS clearly depicting the signs and reciprocal gestures between human and equine through photos and illustrations!

From My Hands To Yours shares Monty's Join-Up® horse training methods with you, both on the ground and under saddle. You'll learn to work with your horse's remedial behavior such as:

  • Biting
  • Bucking
  • Loading
  • Baulking
  • Pulling back
  • Crossing Water
  • Spooky
  • Head Shy
  • Kicking
  • And more!

Basic movements such as stopping, turning, lead change, disunited, and cross lead are also included. Monty's methods are meticulously described so you can apply his hard earned knowledge to your own training experiences.

This product supports that process and is offered as an integral part of Monty’s concepts using the nature of Equus. Designed and developed by Monty Roberts. 

Finalmente los amantes de los caballos ya cuentan con este libro tan esperado, el cual reúne las técnicas de entrenamiento y filosafías de Monty Roberts.

Si a usted le interesan las pruebas de riendas, los concursos y deportes hípicos, las competencias de carreras con barriles, el "dressage", el arreo de ganado, jugar al polo, las carreras de caballos o las cabalgatas, De Mis Manos a las Tuyas, le ayudará a entender mejor a su caballo y a comunicarse con él, logrando que se convierta en su socio para toda la vida.

En este libro, Monty Roberts presenta el idioma sin palabras que puede utilizar el hombre para comunicarse eficazmente con sus caballos y nos proporciona el primer Diccionario Equino Mundial, con docenas de ilustraciones sobre los gestos que hacen los caballos y el ser humano para entablar un diálogo real entre ambas especies.

Este libro contiene explicaciones paso a paso, ilustradas abundantemente con dibujos y fotos sobre la forma en que Monty trabaja dentro del corral circular.  Al aplicar el método que él denomina"Join-Up" (Union), logra que el caballo desee entablar alianzas con su entrenador, sin recurrir en absoluto a la coerción ni a la violencia.

Así mismo, Roberts analiza algunos temas de entrenamiento desde el momento en que nace el potro y su familiarización con el ser humano, la forma en que podemos ganarnos la confianza del caballo, hacerle avanzar y huir, formar alianzas y otras técnicas básicas para lograr que se detenga, gire, retroceda y cambie de guías siguiendo las instrucciones del jinete.

Monty comparte con los lectores las soluciones que ha encontranado para curar a los caballos con problemas de comportamiento, tales como cuando corcovea al ensillarle o hala mientras permanece atado, así como para educar al caballo que se espanta ante el remolque, la puerta de partida o se rehúsa a cruzar el agua.

La genialidad de Roberts radica en su habilidad para comprender lo que puede hacer el caballo, aceptarlo por lo que es y trabajar con él en los términos que el animal entiende y aprecia.

El libro De Mis Manos a las Tuyas será una experiencia infinitamente interminable y gratificante tanto para el equitador como para su socio, el caballo. 

Libros de Monty Roberts en Español


Just realizing that so many intelligent, caring people were gathering peacefully to help each other and the world we all live in to become a safer, healthier, happier place means a great deal to me. Especially during a time when tempers seems so short and outlooks look so grim.I wanted to make sure you realized that the "good ripple" effect of what you do extends beyond your attendees, and that even those who are watching unseen from the sidelines benefit from your efforts.We visited "Flag is Up" Farm  last summer and still remember fondly the warmth with which we - totally unexpected strangers - were received. Thank you for all you do.


Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend The Movement online. I had always wanted to attend in person, but financially it wasn't possible. So I was very grateful this year that the lower ticket price made it possible for me to learn from Monty and all the other wonderful presenters. It was a dream come true for me and I loved every minute of the three days. I don't have a horse, I am just a horse lover and animal communication student. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I learned so much and also felt an emotional healing as I watched the horses throughout the event. I am very grateful for Monty, his family and all the presenters and how they shared their knowledge about horses and how to make their lives better

The Movement of your Heart and Soul

Incredibly honored to hear the wisdom and gentle soul of a great man at a great event! If you missed this- make sure you put it on your calendar for next year!

I thoroughly enjoyed this 2 day event. It was my first time experiencing Monty Roberts in person, and I appreciated the balance of topics between a deeper understanding of ourselves as humans, cultivating a healthier awareness and way of being with ourselves and one another, and our understanding and relationship with horses in service to the horses' health and quality of experience.

Inspired to grow and improve

Movement Weekend was everything I was looking forward to; inspirational, fun, informative, and beautiful. I enjoyed making new friends that care about the welfare of horses as much as I do. I practiced deep belly breathing with my horse today and using the dually halter. We had one of our best afternoons together. Thank you for giving me tools to grow and build a better horse/human relationship. I appreciate everyone who made the weekend so wonderful

Symposium The Movement

As a local SYValley Resident, I wanted to see Monty in action. I was so impressed by the warmth of everyone there and I was truly impressed by Monty’s horsemanship. I took away a clear understanding of things we do right on our ranch and furthermore deepened my love for my horses and our bond. Thank you so very much for your hospitality and your energy!

Carol K
Cari P
Je'net K.
Nicole M.
Brooke S
Sandra J