March 30, 2015

What’s best for your horse’s feet?

There are so many opinions on what’s best for the horse’s hoof in magazines and from vets, farriers, clinicians and trainers. Whom do you believe? To settle differences in opinions, Ada Gates proposes a safe, measurable, efficient and consistent way to look at the hoof together and establish a scientific process of assessing the needs of your horse. By using objective measurements of the hoof, you can Join-Up with your farrier and ensure the best hoof care for your horse.

Ada’s Hoof Ruler Kit gives you a road map for assessing the feet, creating a balanced hoof, explaining what that means, and defining how to achieve it every time. The kit will teach you how to assess the horse’s feet, read the measurements, set a goal for your horse’s feet and attain that goal. A goal of balance. This is an invaluable tool that you can put to good use in an effort to get the best hoof care for your horse and Join-Up with your farrier.

This is a must have tool to ensure the hoof is consistently trimmed and balanced correctly. The Patton Hoof Kit was designed by Monty’s favorite farrier, Ada Gates, to demystify the trimming process and work with your farrier as a team by relying on numbers, not opinions. The kit includes an article on hoof care with detailed instructions for balanced trimming, a how-to DVD, the Patton Hoof Ruler, and a marker pen.